Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Beginning of Something Awesome

Today was day seven into my guiding course.

I feel like I have been a part of it for seven years.  

My teachers rock the class room and never fail to inspire me. They ooze knowledge into their lectures and spin webs of enchantment over everyone in the class.

My fellow class mates range from sizes through to personalities. There are hippies with their tattoo covered arms and dreadlocks. "Empty Nesters" eager to change their careers while they still can. Kids fresh out of college and the 20 to 25 year old's hunting after adventure. 

And then there is little, old me. The youngest student. Comedy relief character. Over enthusiast. Study nerd. Not sure whether to hope that I fit in or stand out.

I am loving what I am learning so much. When I decided to take a risk and plunge into this journey I was paranoid about letting go of my jobs. I had to give up some and work less hours on others. I am so thankful to God that I took the risk. I feel happier and a strange sense of freedom now, more than I ever did working my heart out for bosses who really just wanted to use me as their stepping stones.  Its amazing how a little bit of distance puts everything into a fresh perspective.

Anyway, enough from me. Homework is calling screaming for my attention. Ahhh ~ the sweet memories come flooding back now about the tons and tons and tons of homework. These are the times I question whether or not I have a life outside of homework;

"Hey Chloe! What are you doing this weekend?"

"Not much, just hanging out with my best mate......Homework....Again!"


  1. great job Chloe! I'm so happy for you! I knew that you would love this course. :)) It's so you. :) 'Chin up and Charge the mountain'....literally!! :))

  2. Soooo exciting Chloe!! I bet you rock at this adventure! As you always have such a motivated and euthsiastic personality! I love you for that. :) Missing you heaps!

    Love you more,

    P.S. haha! That sounded like the evil mother from tangled! "I love you most"!! :D
